The Fifth Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance Research Conference and Workshop (GIGA V) will take place in beautiful Colombia October 31 – November 3, 2023 at the InterContinental Cartagena de Indias hotel.
Key Dates
- Early-Bird Registration ends on September 1, 2023.
- Abstract submission ended August 25, 2023.
- Final registration deadline is October 15, 2023.
We have blocked a limited set of rooms at InterContinental Cartagena de Indias at a special rate of $150 per night. Breakfasts are included.
InterContinental Cartagena de Indias
an IHG Hotel
Cra. 1 #5-01, Cartagena de Indias,
Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia
GIGA looks forward to hosting its fifth meeting, GIGA V, from Oct 31 – Nov 3, 2023 in Cartagena, Colombia. This will our first in-person, post-pandemic meeting since GIGA III in Curacao, in 2018. We welcome all scientists interested in invertebrate genomics, molecular ecology, phylogeny systematics.*
The meeting is co-sponsored by the American Genetics Association (
Please register as soon as possible to obtain early bird rates and reserve your hotel rooms. We have special room rates at the InterContinental de Indias Hotel on the beach. Conference fees include the meeting, two lunches and coffee break refreshments.
An informal group banquet will be held on the night of November 3, 2023 at Casco Viejo, Cartagena. Guests wanting to attend the banquet should reserve an extra night, and depart on November 4.

GIGA V Meeting Program
ATTN: Travel to and from Airport
- When arriving at Rafael Núñez International Airport in Cartagena, people should take a taxi from the airport taxi stand for transport to the hotel, not from people approaching you.
- From the street, only take a taxi with a single driver, and NOT two people in the front seat. Try not to take a taxi alone.
- Uber is available in Cartagena as well. As usual, just verify the license plate before riding.
Meeting Program
Keynote Speakers
- Dr. Sarah Lemer (Univ of Guam)
- Dr. Jingchun Li (University of Colorado)
- Dr. Vanessa Yepes (Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (INVEMAR)
- How to Participate in the GIGA BioProject and Utilize the Genomes on at Tree (GoaT) resource for registering sequencing projects.
- Bioinformatics “crash course” sessions.
Talks and Posters
All participants are urged to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations (see the link above). Based on the abstract submission topics, we will arrange a speaker program covering topics including:
- Pelagic and Benthis invertebrates
- Phylogenomics and Comparative Genomics
- Functional Genomics
- Symbiosis and Metagenomics
- Earth BioGenome Project (EBP)
- Emerging Technologies
- Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Bioinformatics tutorials
- Justice/equity/diversity and inclusion
Fee Schedule
Career Stage (fees in USD) | Rate |
Faculty and PI rate | $450 |
Graduate student and Postdoc rate | $300 |
Undergraduate Rate | $200 |
High School | $0 |
Early Career Scholarships
Undergraduate. Registration fee waiver for up to ten (10) Global South students the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
Local Undergraduate and GK12. Travel to and from the venue.
Recipients will be notified of awards after the application deadline.
Venue and Attractions around Cartagena, Colombia
Excursions and Events
- Recreational Dive Tour (overnight possible starting October 29 or 30), see details below.
- Opening Reception, October 31.
- Nearby coral reefs and natural attractions, including the world famous Parque Nacional natural Islas Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo.
- Aviario Nacional de Colombia aviary.
- Historical City
- Final banquet social, November 3 at Casco Viejo, Cartagena.
Local Attractions

Coral Reef of Varadero, Bay of Cartagena.
Dive Tour
5-dive package with an optional overnight stay at Rosario Islands: (
Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more for the overnight Rosario Islands stay.
Thanks to our GIGA V sponsors

The conference was organized primarily by the GIGA V Organizing Committee (2023): Vanessa Gonzalez (GIGA Conference Director, Smithsonian Institution, USA), Jeffrey Robinson (Robinson Scientifics LLC, USA), Joe Lopez (NOVA Southeastern University, USA), Kate Castellano (Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute, USA), Adelaide Rhodes (USA), and Juan Sanchez (University of Andes, Bogota, Colombia), and the GIGA Governing Board.
* GIGA does not discriminate participation on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, or age.